What's that?
Because I can, shut up.
I know nobody really reads this thing, but it is nice to have delusions of...uhh...camaraderie. But as a warning to anyone who might be reading this, this post is going to be an update/introspective post, so no opinion talking here. Just what's going on in my life, and annoying thought questions...maybe. And I'll get around to posting those anime reviews sometime.
I feel like my posts have been lacking pictures.
Hey look it's Megaman! He saves the day, even when it doesn't involve Mavericks or Robot Masters. Thanks Megaman!
Anyways, let's see. My sister has recently had a door of opportunity open up for her. Hooray! I am very proud, I'm glad at least someone in my family has had somethings going for them. I, on the other hand, have had a door close in San Antonio. But you know what they say, "BLAH -BLAH-BLAH closes BLAH-BLAH-BLAH others open." I really want this Paypal opportunity to work or for Samsung to at least contact me back. I might be holed up somewhere for the next couple of weeks until finals go by. If you do not see me for a while, try my cellular phone.
Oh, I mentioned in a post before, some time before, that I felt that something was missing. I said that I did not think is what that. As is ends up is was partially God. To which I slightly resolved my predicament, thank you CFC Youth Campus Based, hopefully I won't end up disliking this group like I do with most Youth groups/programs/meetings.
Ah-hah! I finally remembered what introspective I wanted to post about.
Friendship. Always a good thing right?...Huh?
When did it get late.
Now I'm tired, oh well. I you really wanted to know that introspective part. Uhh...it was along the lines of...uhh...people I meet....and people I've known...hard to connect. Yeah, good night!
Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm blogging.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Drawing a blank.
It's almost the end of April, and I'm finally posting again. I made this thing to help me with my writing or something of that sort. Instead, I am using it simply to kill some time. Well...currently I'm using it because I don't feel like sleeping. But I ponder.
Why aren't I posting more?
I mean I have opinions about things. I go through enough conflict and events in my life to record them. Why aren't I posting more?
I figured it out today. In case you don't know, I spend a lot of time in my own head. WAAAYYYY too much time in there. When I am not talking to somebody, most likely, I will be talking to myself. I have easily received some weird looks and hard to answer questions from mumbling or smiling to myself. If you have never talked to yourself before, I mean truly out loud talked to yourself before, then you should take sometime to start simply asking yourself some questions. Don't forget to also respond to them out loud. It is a nice exercise of self-enlightenment. Although, it comes at a disadvantage (at least for me), I usually talk to myself at a bias against myself.
Anyways, I am getting off topic.
Why aren't I posting more? Answer, I do all of my blogging mentally. People use their blogs mainly to feed the need to express themselves or at the very least their opinion on something. All of those opinions and creative thoughts that would go into a blog post, simply end up as thoughts in my head that end in "...I should post that." and also end in "...don't forget, you suck." Here is to attempt number two, may I post more and spend much less time talking to myself and more time talking to a blog.
(If you ever see me, most likely with my head down or up, moving my arms about. I'm probably hidden somewhere in my own mind. Just give a shake or yell my name, I'll most likely snap out of it.)
(Yes, I know I haven't done a Week Links in a while. And I know a perfect cop out to make upfor it suckers.)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Week Links 3: Commercial Edition
I know it's Monday...night.
I don't care. So I'm a day or two late, I'm new.
This is gonna be stuff I wanna get.
Here's some hip-hop video game wear.
If I was hipster, I definitely get this Pikachu fitted hat. Some Neon Tetris kicks wouldn't be so bad while I'm at it.
John != Hip;
Why? That last statement is pretty much self explanatory. However, I don't own nearly enough witty T-shirts. Which is why I want the shirt with the love math.
This last thing is the one I'm most likely actually going to buy.
It's a fun card game called Munchkin. I'm debating which kind to get, I think Munchkin Fu is going to be the deck of choice.
Have a nice we...rest of the week.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I should write in a scholarly journal.
The article will be titled,
"The Effect of Women's Relationship Status with Respect to Connections with John Muniz."
I'm 0-5 with my theory of women. Well, 5-0 depending on how you look at it. Hell. make it 6-0 just to make the numbers look higher. And if I want it to be more general of a case, 7-0. I'll call it Munizian Theory, actually...7-0...Muniz's Law of Relationship Equilibria.
The Muniz Effect.
I'm gonna be richI think I'm really gonna buy this shirt.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Month in Review.
It's now 15 mintues into April. "Rabbit Rabbit" everyone. A lot of things...hmm, let's see...plenty of...no...
THINGS happened in March.
Let me know if I'm missing anything.
- Umm...
- Yeah...
- Oh! Spring Break...
- I went home.
- Goodphil.
- A wave of tests.
- Let's see...
- I'm still single...ladies?
March sucked on the whole. Nothing happened. Even Spring Break was a let down. At least the day I celebrate when my Lord and savior has risen, has come and past. Come to think of it, Easter was actually more fun than Spring Break this year...wow. In retrospect, something must have happened during Spring Break, because from the beginning of that week onward things just went bleh.
Oh, to quote Reel Big Fish, "I can't do that, so I'm givin' up again."
New month on the horizon, I'll try and blank slate it. Keep my mind and heart open, come what may. I will try to even blog some more, so as to not keep my 50 visitors in such suspense of what will happen to me next. I'm think of doing a review of Genshiken. I also just downloaded Lucky Star. (That was probably a mistake.)
Well here's to April. Don't screw up.