I'm going to steal a quote from this YouTube movie I watced recently, although the movie itself is not so recent. (More on that later.)
"If you know how you get somewhere, usually, you can figure out how to get out."-Just a Nice Guy, Wong Fu Productions
Every now and then, as probably with most people, there are times where you try and take a step back from your life and figure out how exactly you got to where you are now. Maybe you are wondering why you have it so good, maybe you are wondering how did things go so wrong, or maybe you are wondering when did this all start or end. Maybe, just maybe, the thought has never crossed your mind.
Decisions. What did you do?
It is our decisions that govern how things unfold. Once you think about it, life could be seen as simply an object of infinite states. I say state meaning a state of being. If you are still confused, think of it life like a path beginning with being born and ending with dying, and there are infinite number of steps you can take to go from A to B. It is up to yourself to figure out exactly which steps exactly you are going to take. Which brings me to the topic at hand.

It's a fight between the heart and the brain!
There are two major factors that go into making your next move, passion and preparation. Yes, I know I can equate these words with other synonyms that would better convey my message, but for alliteration sake, I am using passion and preparation. These are hopefully self-explanatory, but I will expand for those who have not caught wind. I will start with the latter. Preparation involves your logic, your analysis, your sense of counter-balancing the good and the bad. Preparation is the part of you that can spot a good deal at a sale. Passion involves your emotion, and your...well, that is about it. It is that gut-feeling, your impulse. Passion is the part of you that buys that thing simply because it was on sale.
You can go right and wrong with how you choose to react. I find that the preparation side of life has the higher chance of "paying out," so to say. Why would it not? You have done your homework, the decision you are abou
t to make works with your logic, and you have hopefully weighed it out to be the best choice. That being said, I also find that the jackpot can only be won with passion. It is like going all in, on pocket twos when you have not even seen the flop. For me, it seems like I can not even function with the passionate side of me anymore. Everything in my head seems to run through some filter of what is going to happen. I think it is because running on passion on my side of life, seems to only get me into trouble. Bad things sprout from relying on your gut too much. In the movie, "Minority Report," where most crime has been diminished, the only murders that occur are based on passion. I feel now more than ever, especially being out of college, that I have no room for mistakes. It feels like my safety net is gone. I have regret this. The mantra of "everything will be alright," seems to be fleeting. This subject matter has been on my mind for a while now, and even though the fall my hurt I feel like now maybe I should start rolling my dice.
Where does your fate lay? Why it is in your hands, of course. Now this is most certainly not a black and white affair. The shades of gray, can probably deduce your chances of failure while maximizing your pay out. Ferris Bueller's Day Off comes to mind. Of course, have a good amount of luck doesn't hurt. Just make sure it's the right kind of luck.
You can go right and wrong with how you choose to react. I find that the preparation side of life has the higher chance of "paying out," so to say. Why would it not? You have done your homework, the decision you are abou

Where does your fate lay? Why it is in your hands, of course. Now this is most certainly not a black and white affair. The shades of gray, can probably deduce your chances of failure while maximizing your pay out. Ferris Bueller's Day Off comes to mind. Of course, have a good amount of luck doesn't hurt. Just make sure it's the right kind of luck.
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