Welcome to a new segment on my blog I hope to actually keep up with, Wii90X.
What is Wii90X?
First watch this informercial.
Yeah...it's not that. Not at all...at least not yet.
It's actually going to be more like this guy.
The Wii Fit Experiment - Workout Montage from WiiNintendo.net on Vimeo.
Basically Wii90X is going to chronicle my efforts of living a healthier lifestyle by actually having some daily physical activity centered around the, you guessed it, Wii Fit. Why am I doing this? Well, it is actually more of a personal experiment for myself with the following questions. Does Wii Fit actually work? What would happen if I actually did exercise often? Is 90 days enough time for a significant lifestyle change? Does Wii Fit actually work? I also have this Wii on loan from my brother, we have had this long going exchange of video game hardware for 4 years now, and now I have a Wii, so my only big monetary investment in this is currently only the Wii Fit.
The Plan.
P90X, from what I have learned, consists of an X-TREME workout for about an hour everyday. So my plan consist of clocking in an average hour of "Fit Credits" everyday. The way Wii Fit's exercises work is that they are split up into four sections; Yoga, which focuses on honing your sense of balance, Strength Training, supposedly it focuses on building your strength, Aerobics, this is where cardio exercise are separated into, and Balance Games, that seem generally useless from a fitness standpoint. I will be spending all of my time posing with Yoga, lifting with Strength Training, and running in place with Aerobics. The balances games section, albeit more fun than say a torso twist, do not seem to be any sort of useful for the purpose of my experiment, so I will not be clocking in any time tightrope walking or ski jumping. My diet for the most part will remain unchanged, no strict dietary regimen here, although I will try my best to make healthier descisions about what will be passing through my lips. I will be updating this blog weekly, every Sunday is the plan, which will help me be accountable throughout this experiment. In the entries I hope too give status updates about how I am feeling at time, what kind of exercise I have been doing and overall progress about the whole thing.
The Goal.
The guy in the second video from WiiNintendo.net wrote that he lost 15 pounds in 41 days from adding Wii Fit to his daily routine. He did not change his dietary habit either. He simply did a whole-hearted Wii Fit workout for 30mins to an hour EVERYDAY. Wii Fit has the feature to set a weight goal on your profile. My goal is set to lose 20 pounds within 3 months. If I am able to pull this off I will be at a weight I have not been at since middle school, I am currently 22.
The Entry.
Now that you know what this is all going to be about I might as well start with my first post. I started this last Monday, September 14, I weighed in at 219.8 lbs. with a Body Mass Index of 31.47. I registered my profile at 5' 10" so with all of this together Wii Fit categorizes me into the "Obese" demographic. Wii Fit initially does not come with every single exercise unlocked, in fact I am still unlocking some of the strength exercises, so when I first started on Monday I only clocked in 30 minutes of "Fit Credits," the actual workout gameplay time, without over lapping or repeating any of the exercises. However, as time has passed I am now reaching a point where if I do a whole "lap" of all the exercises included in the game the Fit credits easily excede an hour. I must admit at first, I did not feel a thing. I mean, sure I broke a sweat, but the first few days just left me feeling tired, but not worked out. With more of the exercises unlocked now, that is becoming a rarer case. Have I seen any physical changes after a week? Well, sort of. The strength training exercises seem more geared toward toning muscles than building muscles. So personally, I have noticed my arm is slightly bigger, I have been able to increase reps of certain exercises I used to have trouble with, and after a week where my arm muscles used to be sore now my thigh muscles feel a bigger burn. Unfortunately, Wii Fit currenly has me at 221.8 lbs but I'm doing my best to not be discouraged. This seems like a pretty long post to read, so I will stop here. Until next week.
Well I am hella butthurt because I thought I was the only one whe thought of wii90x
i'll go with WiiX-Treme
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