Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year Links

Hmm my 1 year blog-a-vesary is coming up. Maybe I'll post a retrospective of 2008 some time. Seems proper. For now I have some over due links for you all. All you random international people who come to my website. I hope to go visit all of your countries some day. And on to the links.

If you're feeling down, watch this guy...and feel even more down that you don't have one of your own.

If that wasn't enough. DUCK!

After 3 semesters of Japanese at UT. I can actually understand this pretty fluently. Albeit it's probably written by American people.

You say you like techno? You say you like Anime? You say you don't know what is an AMV? Well Wikipedia it I'm not gonna explain. But I will (Epilepsy Warning) exemplify. Does AMV even have a Wiki? ...hrm oh well.

All that video watching make you thirsty? Well, too bad. It's not your decision whether or not this purple something is gonna go down your throat.


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