Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wii90X: The Introduction

Welcome to a new segment on my blog I hope to actually keep up with, Wii90X.

What is Wii90X?

First watch this informercial.'s not that. Not at least not yet.

It's actually going to be more like this guy.

The Wii Fit Experiment - Workout Montage from on Vimeo.

Basically Wii90X is going to chronicle my efforts of living a healthier lifestyle by actually having some daily physical activity centered around the, you guessed it, Wii Fit. Why am I doing this? Well, it is actually more of a personal experiment for myself with the following questions. Does Wii Fit actually work? What would happen if I actually did exercise often? Is 90 days enough time for a significant lifestyle change? Does Wii Fit actually work? I also have this Wii on loan from my brother, we have had this long going exchange of video game hardware for 4 years now, and now I have a Wii, so my only big monetary investment in this is currently only the Wii Fit.

The Plan.

P90X, from what I have learned, consists of an X-TREME workout for about an hour everyday. So my plan consist of clocking in an average hour of "Fit Credits" everyday. The way Wii Fit's exercises work is that they are split up into four sections; Yoga, which focuses on honing your sense of balance, Strength Training, supposedly it focuses on building your strength, Aerobics, this is where cardio exercise are separated into, and Balance Games, that seem generally useless from a fitness standpoint. I will be spending all of my time posing with Yoga, lifting with Strength Training, and running in place with Aerobics. The balances games section, albeit more fun than say a torso twist, do not seem to be any sort of useful for the purpose of my experiment, so I will not be clocking in any time tightrope walking or ski jumping. My diet for the most part will remain unchanged, no strict dietary regimen here, although I will try my best to make healthier descisions about what will be passing through my lips. I will be updating this blog weekly, every Sunday is the plan, which will help me be accountable throughout this experiment. In the entries I hope too give status updates about how I am feeling at time, what kind of exercise I have been doing and overall progress about the whole thing.

The Goal.

The guy in the second video from wrote that he lost 15 pounds in 41 days from adding Wii Fit to his daily routine. He did not change his dietary habit either. He simply did a whole-hearted Wii Fit workout for 30mins to an hour EVERYDAY. Wii Fit has the feature to set a weight goal on your profile. My goal is set to lose 20 pounds within 3 months. If I am able to pull this off I will be at a weight I have not been at since middle school, I am currently 22.

The Entry.

Now that you know what this is all going to be about I might as well start with my first post. I started this last Monday, September 14, I weighed in at 219.8 lbs. with a Body Mass Index of 31.47. I registered my profile at 5' 10" so with all of this together Wii Fit categorizes me into the "Obese" demographic. Wii Fit initially does not come with every single exercise unlocked, in fact I am still unlocking some of the strength exercises, so when I first started on Monday I only clocked in 30 minutes of "Fit Credits," the actual workout gameplay time, without over lapping or repeating any of the exercises. However, as time has passed I am now reaching a point where if I do a whole "lap" of all the exercises included in the game the Fit credits easily excede an hour. I must admit at first, I did not feel a thing. I mean, sure I broke a sweat, but the first few days just left me feeling tired, but not worked out. With more of the exercises unlocked now, that is becoming a rarer case. Have I seen any physical changes after a week? Well, sort of. The strength training exercises seem more geared toward toning muscles than building muscles. So personally, I have noticed my arm is slightly bigger, I have been able to increase reps of certain exercises I used to have trouble with, and after a week where my arm muscles used to be sore now my thigh muscles feel a bigger burn. Unfortunately, Wii Fit currenly has me at 221.8 lbs but I'm doing my best to not be discouraged. This seems like a pretty long post to read, so I will stop here. Until next week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mobile: It's Always Sunny in Austin

Too bad I don't actually watch the show.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The annoyance list.

Figure a.

I have decided to compile a list. If you have not yet guessed it, yes it will be of things that annoy me in a very special way. The kind of annoyances that make you facepalm. If you do not know what that means, please refer to Figure a (for further reading please see Figure b). This list will be in no particular order, and will hopefully be updated as time proceeds and I can recollect my thoughts.

  • People who don't use enough normal English. (Including slang, hype words, and cutesy words ending in -y, -ey, and/or -ly, also -ers or -erz)
  • Learning a truth you didn't want to hear.
  • Use of Internet slang/lingo/meme improperly in real life.
  • Ignorance, straight ignorance.
  • Tweets/updates about bodily functions ... Are you trying to dissuade skeptics of your humanity? Stop it.

Figure b.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Sounds about right.

Monday, August 31, 2009

There are people who don't know.

Now you know.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ode to Texas Weather

This is not necessarily in order.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Especially during romantic comedies

I always like a good story. Movie, book, video game, you name it. Usually with a good story, people like to add either a dash of fiction or throw the whole thing into a tale of whimsy. Having a sense of realism, I think, is key to telling a good story. However there are times where I will hear a voice in my head screaming "DOESN'T HAPPEN!" in certain scenarios.

Take this picture I found on the internet:

While I enjoy the humor of this picture...


The voice is like that of someone yelling at their incompetent employee, "YOU'RE FIRED!" and then stamping those words on their pink slip.*

I've come up with a nice visual aid, I hope to use again in some later post.

This does not mean I don't like some good fiction. Usually I will just play the "It's a movie." card, or something of the such, and just enjoy the ride, like when I watched just about every stunt in Die Hard 4.

I really just wanted to post this picture. It's pretty funny. I mean look at that guy's face. He just wants to play his game...stupid boobs getting in the way.

*I don't actually know how pink slips work. If I do ever get fired, I want it to happen exactly like that.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's like someone recorded my geek dream.

What happens when you combine my number one action anime with my number one game of all time?

The world probably would explode, or at least my head would.

While not being a cataclysmic threat, this video does get pretty close to my cephaclasm.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mobile: Yes, That's a Spoon on Top

Whether my weekend was productive or not is still a quandary...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Passion vs Preparation

I'm going to steal a quote from this YouTube movie I watced recently, although the movie itself is not so recent. (More on that later.)

"If you know how you get somewhere, usually, you can figure out how to get out."

-Just a Nice Guy, Wong Fu Productions

Every now and then, as probably with most people, there are times where you try and take a step back from your life and figure out how exactly you got to where you are now. Maybe you are wondering why you have it so good, maybe you are wondering how did things go so wrong, or maybe you are wondering when did this all start or end. Maybe, just maybe, the thought has never crossed your mind.

Decisions. What did you do?

It is our decisions that govern how things unfold. Once you think about it, life could be seen as simply an object of infinite states. I say state meaning a state of being. If you are still confused, think of it life like a path beginning with being born and ending with dying, and there are infinite number of steps you can take to go from A to B. It is up to yourself to figure out exactly which steps exactly you are going to take. Which brings me to the topic at hand.

There's a better picture from Rocko's Modern Life, but I couldn't find it.
It's a fight between the heart and the brain!

There are two major factors that go into making your next move, passion and preparation. Yes, I know I can equate these words with other synonyms that would better convey my message, but for alliteration sake, I am using passion and preparation. These are hopefully self-explanatory, but I will expand for those who have not caught wind. I will start with the latter. Preparation involves your logic, your analysis, your sense of counter-balancing the good and the bad. Preparation is the part of you that can spot a good deal at a sale. Passion involves your emotion, and your...well, that is about it. It is that gut-feeling, your impulse. Passion is the part of you that buys that thing simply because it was on sale.

You can go right and wrong with how you choose to react. I find that the preparation side of life has the higher chance of "paying out," so to say. Why would it not? You have done your homework, the decision you are about to make works with your logic, and you have hopefully weighed it out to be the best choice. That being said, I also find that the jackpot can only be won with passion. It is like going all in, on pocket twos when you have not even seen the flop. For me, it seems like I can not even function with the passionate side of me anymore. Everything in my head seems to run through some filter of what is going to happen. I think it is because running on passion on my side of life, seems to only get me into trouble. Bad things sprout from relying on your gut too much. In the movie, "Minority Report," where most crime has been diminished, the only murders that occur are based on passion. I feel now more than ever, especially being out of college, that I have no room for mistakes. It feels like my safety net is gone. I have regret this. The mantra of "everything will be alright," seems to be fleeting. This subject matter has been on my mind for a while now, and even though the fall my hurt I feel like now maybe I should start rolling my dice.

Where does your fate lay? Why it is in your hands, of course. Now this is most certainly not a black and white affair. The shades of gray, can probably deduce your chances of failure while maximizing your pay out. Ferris Bueller's Day Off comes to mind. Of course, have a good amount of luck doesn't hurt. Just make sure it's the right kind of luck.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cloud Computing, Before Your Eyes

This video is proof of concept balls-to-the-wall amazing. So to give a brief premise this video is going to show you the power of cloud computing applied to normal applications we use everyday (i.e. video games)

I know, I know, you have a lot of questions. I am going to try my best to demystify some of the magic going on. You are probably asking, "John, what the heck is cloud computing?" My answer, "Well, it's basically parallel or distributed computing across multiple systems." And before you ask the next question about computing let me just give you an analogy.

Think about sometime ago when you were doing your homework. You had your math, science, and social studies homework to do, but you could only really work on each subject one at a time. So let's say you are a computer, and instead of math homework, you are doing computation. Doing math homework with one hand and social studies with you other hand, is sort of where we are today in computing in the world of multi-core processors and concurrent programming. What is an even easier way of getting homework done? A study group of course! A good study group, the one that just lets you copy down the answers and has the group do all of the work. That is cloud computing. You, the user, are having what is called "The Cloud," do all your work for you. Instead of the aforementioned study group, it is actually the Internet, which is nothing but a bunch of computers connected together doing the work.

I hoped that helped. With that in mind, a man by the name of Dave Perry decided to put words into action. He uses the power of cloud computing, a basic install of Firefox with Flash, and what has to be some sort of devil programming to hopefully open the world of video games, which tends to have and entrance fee and equipment prerequisite, to everybody by playing games like, "Spore" and "World of Warcraft" all within a Firefox window. Seeing is more believe so just watch the video.

Gaikai Technology Demo (JULY 1, 2009) from David Perry on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

FSA Senior Will

Back in high school we had senior wills. They were anonymous vindictive compilations of aversion and malediction typed and passed around the halls from person to person. If you're still having trouble understanding what I'm talking about, I believe someone has related it to a "Burn Book" ala the movie "Mean Girls." (Which I have never, nor do I plan to ever, seen in its entirety.) It was written like a will with excerpts like, "To ______, we leave you zip tie. Hopefully that will actually keep your legs closed." However, the senior will I wrote for my college organization is nothing like the such. It is meant to be commemorative and touching, and I wrote it with the intention to make at least one person cry. I am posting this now because I was cleaning my computer desktop and decided to post, so if you missed it the first time around, here you go.

First for the Fuglies. Blame me, Leslie, and Amanda, if that name sticks. Stay close, you all are a fugly family now, and do not be afraid to let latecomers join. You will learn as much from FSA as course at UT. Fatima, I will always remember your infectious laugh and smile, and your overwhelming trust and love for you friends, take care. Mika, all work and no play. Make sure your study breaks always involve FSA, they can help you with your school too. David, my adopted ading, time to man up, learn to take a shot, no more drinks from me huh? Genny, my SoAding, you’re a sweet gal don’t let anyone tell you different. Dean, my baklading, my favorite part about you is your indomitable spirit. Aim high, meet people, and you will definitely go places.

Secondly the Squeefers. Your class is an example of how an FSA family works, nauseatingly close-knit, but still welcoming, with just the right amount of under-your-breath shit talk. I fully believe you guys have what it takes to bring FSA back to its former glory. Czarina, me and Joy are leaving. It’s up to you, Queeny, to make sure there is a least one CC to take your place when you leave. Janel, the past three FCNs were produced by people equally busy with non-FSA stuff, as you will. Remember, you have other people to help you all the time; I hope to taste some sugar bread at FCN next year. Daniel, you certainly know how to influence and inspire people. Only use your powers for good, use it to get people active in your community work. Brenda, I hope your care and help you give everyone never runs out, you were and still are an amazing officer. Anna, where are you? Ah there! You are nice, truthful, and blunt. Deadly mix, but makes for a good friend. Glenn, you know my PSN. Rochelle, my brickhouse co-Ate, please smack our adings if they are doing something stupid…literally….any of them. Leslie, you are someone with whom I can always converse. Please keep in touch, and come back to Texas. Anne, you have good intentions and high ambitions. What happened on that kayak, stayed on that kayak. Open up your options sometime, you might be in for a pleasant surprise. Lastly, my first (good) ading, my successor in oddly too many ways, Dino. You are going to hate me in about a year or next semester. I always got your back. Do better than me. In all aspects, take that sentence to heart. Over the time I met you, you truly are my brother.

Will the Squirters please stand up? One, two, three, aaaaand four. Alright, that’s four more than expected. Thea, shut up. In all seriousness, you crack me up. Emily, you have changed a lot since freshman year, good luck with everything you do. Randy, please stay active. You may, quite factually, be the only 4th year in the org next year. In life, experience means a lot, the officers and members will need your input next year. Raisa…I said stand up. Oh you are standing. You were probably my first close friend in FSA. So for me, count that, I had a whole year in FSA without a friend like you. I am glad you joined. I will make sure to visit you in Houston sometime when we are both done with college.

The Floaters. Looking at the newbies, we are the last of our breed. It’s looking like shot trains, Duval, proper freshman motivation, all leave when we leave. I do not really identify myself as a “Floater,” but you guys are my class and we been in here for four years together. Anh, told me to mention him in my will. Darrell, also wants to be in my will, thanks for being the best roommate of all my four years of college. Maria, my first (good) co-Ate, you know. You know how it is, optimisic but down to Earth, and always on my ass if am remotely offending. Joy, that’s it, game over, see you at Christmas. I remember our freshman year, and traveling forth between cities. I am glad to have been part of your life for this long. Oh, and thanks for bringing me to FSA.

The last group, the people I do identify with, has no name. Even though we are not Floaters, Squirters, Squeefers, or Fuglies, the love for this organization runs deep. Cef Heruela, keep it real. Open your mouth more, because I know you know what you are talking about. Lance Heruela, “How are you doing?” I met you freshman year, and despite everything thrown at you, you always keep seeking your aspirations, I admire that about you. Keep fighting the good fight. Panda, you will be in Houston soon, please do not expect me to drive two hours to jumpstart your car, but do not ever hesitate to call if you need help. We grew a lot closer this past year and I appreciated your company and advice, heh. Gel, always smile and sing often. Being a first year upperclassmen, I tried to make sure you felt welcome when I met you, and now you are an officer. With your kindness, commitment, and sweet voice, I know you are going to make an awesome nurse. JoieL, what in the world did I drag you into. You are the president now, not bad considering a year ago you knew only a handful of people in the group. I wish I had met all of you four years ago. Until meeting you guys, I could not wait to leave college. Starting a career, traveling, earning real money, not studying; all of that could wait if it meant I could hang out with you guys at least one last time.

I finally understand. I finally understand why, when I was a freshman, the upperclassmen appreciated the alumni so much. Come your senior year, maybe you will too. This night ends in a couple more hours, what will you take from it? What can you take from it? The food will spoil. Our clothes will go out of style. That group picture of your table might even get lost.
Memories. In the end, all we have is our memories. Memories of the happiness. Memories of drama. Memories of when, what, and why. Most of all, memories of all the friends. Most of you have those titos and ninangs that are not really related to you, but friends of your parents. The friends you make today, just may be the titas and ninangs of your children. Cherish every moment with your friends. Soon enough the people beside you will just be memories, and memories are everlong. When you care about your friends, you will do anything just to see them smile. Everybody, thank you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Week Links: The Requiem

That's right. This will be my final Week Links. If you haven't been keeping up, I've been doing a Week Links about every two months. So I have decided to change my link dump model. This does not mean I will stop sharing the interesting and fun things on the internet. No, no, no. I do not go so quietly into the night. I think the new model will make this blog look more active.

A new PC is cheaper than a new Mac and, if you're doing it right, comes with all these bells and whistles that Maximum PC finds essential.

Since I don't have the expendable income to buy a fancy camera, I guess I will have to settle for a crap camera and these professional Photoshop effects.

If you have visited my blog before, most likely you are wasting time. Waste your time better off of my blog with a timewaster this musical toy. Just start clicking and dragging.

Here's a funny picture I StumbledUpon of great philosophers.

From personal experience, I can say that this pie chart works to some degree. From
I don't know where this originally came from but, according to this chart, I am somewhere between "Friend" and "Dating Zone," you do the math. LOL Null Set.Not to worry, XKCD always has some reaffirmation. I just like that last quote at the end.

I'm just glad I'm not like this guy from an article on

And now for the YouTube segment. Don't worry there's only 4 amazing clips.

This song has started my day for the past 2 weeks. It's upbeat, catchy, comes with it's own dance, and has a cute Japanese girl singing straight into the camera the whole time. What's not to like?

Here is the secret to Manny Pacquiao's success in the ring. Don't be afraid to laugh.

Don't like Asians? Neither does this guy.

My friend John showed me this video. It's the literal version of the "Total Eclipse of the Heart" video by Bonnie Tyler. Hilarity ensues.

I hope you have engorged yourself on Internet crud from my last Week Links. I tried to cram as much in here as possible. Be sure to check out my blog more often, or follow me on Twitter, where things will hopefully start to pick up. Enjoy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mobile: Company Picnic Fun


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mobile: The Jones wedding

The wedding cake was nice...

But the groom's cake is full of win.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mobile: My work.

Very serious stuff.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mobile: The Challenge part 2

Here we go again...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Moblie: 4 years coming.

BS indeed

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I can relate.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So true.

So wrong.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

That guy

Here is a list of adjectives I have come to regret:

  • Nice
  • Good
  • Great
  • Cool
  • Sweet
  • Cute
  • Smart

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mobile: So my professor today...

While reciting poetry. He then proceeded to pull a truck with his teeth.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani


It seems like recently, the right thing is the wrong decision. It is a little hard to explain what I am feeling without just itemizing some events. How can I put this? Think about Mario, or Luigi, in the first Mario Bros. game. Mario, hard working guy with mad ups. What does a plumber know about saving damsels from fire breathing dinosaur turtles? Not much, but hell he's going to get it done. So the level starts, and after pitfalls, fireballs, brick walls, and close calls, he finally reaches last room of the castle to save...a toadstool, please try again. All the setup, none of the reward.

That is a good metaphor of what is going on in my head right now; except to be more precise when you get to the end of the castle the guy at the end would have to kick Mario in the nards every time it wasn't really the princess. My outlook on how life is treating me right now is can try your best, it just makes the fall hurt harder. It is as if my fortune is asymptotically bounded before real success. If I try to go beyond that line, reset at the bottom! You know the "right thing" spiel? If you don't know the "right thing," think of an old mid 90's feel good movie. The right thing is what the good guy always does. Work hard, be yourself, be reponsible...feh!

I work hard to get those interviews, only to get shot down. Work hard at a good company I'm excited for, during a hiring freeze. When others won't step up, get kicked down by the same old stuff. I get to graduate on time, and leave new friends I wish I met and stuck with 4 years ago. Look out for others, to find no one else watchin your back. I act myself, only to feel alienated.

I'm done. I quit. I'm tired. I thought things were gonna be different. You win reality...again.

I was going to post lyrics from the very appropriate song "Everything Sucks" by Reel Big Fish that have been on my AIM profile forever. I shouldn't have to post it cause people check AIM profiles every 5 minutes still, amirite? Instead here are some more appropriate lyrics

Cause they say it's gonna happen again
Over and over the fun never ends
You'll go to see the doctor cause you haven't got time for the pain
And he'll say it's gonna happen again
Over and over till your living end
You can't give in to the pain that is on the rise
You'll die a little bit inside

Happened Again - The Littlest Man Band

Of course I'm not gonna leave on that sour note. I have been writing this post all weekend actually. Blogging goes well with brooding. I was really down, until I went to church. God knew what I was going through. He's like psychic or something. Today, Sunday, at mass the responsorial psalm were what I had been thinking for a while now. The priest's homily had one underlying message, the message of the psalm.

"The suffering, is not the end of the story."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mobile: You put stuff in it.

Falcon BOX!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mobile: The Divide

My friend and I now share a whiteboard at work. So we started a war. Guess which side is mine.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Responsibility and Labels

Let's do a little exercise.

- Think about...hmm...five of your friends names. Just their names.
- Put them in some order. Any order, it doesn't matter. Well at least not for this exercise, ask a shrink. I'm sure the order you put them in actually means you have some repressed daddy issues or something.
- Now think of their appearance. Whole body. In order.
- Now think of some words describing each one of them.

Was any of them "responsible?"

Now think of yourself being thought of by someone else, in this exercise. I'll give you a second to understand what I just asked.

You good?


Do you think "responsible," popped up above your head? Maybe, maybe not. I'll tell you one thing. I myself, don't ever want that above my head.

Four years can seem to just fly by when you segment it like the American school system does. It's spring break now, and I've been think a lot of my next steps in life. I've said this before.

Responsibility sucks.

Sure, maturing and "growing up" is how I got to the subject, but this post isn't going to be about those woes. No, no. Responsibility, my friends, is the double-edged sword that has cut me more times than the piece of paper of a 1st grader trying to make a snowflake.

Do I describe myself a responsible person? Most certainly not, but I like to get things done, and I care for the things that matter to me. Too many times have I sacrificed my personal good time just to take care of that which holds a place in my life.

No one ever really wants to be the responsible one. That being said, you can't fight what you are. Being the responsible one is like being the guy you want to bring along for your trip, just because he'll watch your stuff.

I want to be respected. Not labeled.

Have you ever seen that episode of Daria (Who here watched Daria? Anyone?) where someone dies at her school, and everyone goes to her for death therapy? That is what it is like being the responsible one. Everyone goes to you...for work. Everyone comes to rely on. Everyone goes to you...hoping to bail 'em out. Nobody ever comes to you...for a good time. Nobody ever looks up your number...cause you bring the fun.

Labeling people in general is bad. Having a label on someone, is almost like confining your opinion. People get surprised, sometimes, about how people act or when learning certain things. I prefer to question first, how much do you know about a person? How much are you basing your thoughts about a person on knowledge, and how much are you simply inferring?

This post was supposed to be better, but I'm getting tired of writing. Now comes the time to leave you with something poignant.

Labels, good on a can, not on a man.

(I need to blog more, this sucked.)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week Links: Non-Valentine's Edition

It's that time of the week again.

These ones are coming at ya, and have nothing to do with love...I think.

First thing, eff planet earth.

If that was too many words for you, then this Wallace and Grommit clip has no really talking at all. In fact the sound effects have been" enhanced."

I bet you thought this was going to another all video Week Links. Well you're only 4/5s right.I like art and video games too. And hybrids of the two every time.

And for more video whoring. This music video is pretty awesome. The music all sorts of mellow.

Speaking of whoring. Ends up I was wrong, I do have one relationship video on here. It's from this website called that just has all these video guides on random stuff from cooking to kissing.

If you know me at all. I'm probably your "friend." Whether or not I meant to be, it's a blessing and a curse. Mainly curse, cause I'm not one to take advantage of people. Anyways, here is their tips on getting of what they call Frienditis.

I'll maybe post later again this week. This weekend, I actually had some a club. WHAT?!

More on that later, and you know it's gonna be in my cryptic speak so no one is really gonna understand anything of what's going on.

Look for it.

Exit faux euphoria. Enter Slap-In-The-Face cynicism.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mobile: My Workspace

That's it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Phone Dump...

Ahh...that feels good. Been saving these for a while. Time to finally post the random crap that's was on my phone.

Wal-Mart. Last sentence. First Paragraph. The English language makes fools of us all.

I don't think I pull off hats very well. And if I bought that one, I would be a bit of a poser.

O's Cafe. Very domesticated squirrels, who love potatoes.

Dinner when I was at Redmond.

If that doesn't make you want to donate to children's diabetes research...Wendy's will just feed her more.

21st birthday. Overall, not a disappointment.

Metal Gear Solid 4 lau...OMG what is wrong with Lisa's head?!

This one is self-explanatory.

It was a truck completely full of chickens. Not the first one I've seen, but the first one I've photographed.

Well, it was 73...but I was thirsty.

Actual Size? A man can dream.

Ahh yes, the shuttle stop was good indeed.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2008: Year in Review (Freestyle)

It is some 31 days into 2009, and now I begin my New Year's post. I originally wanted to vlog to commemorate this momentous occasion but technical difficulties have impeded on my original plans. Since I don't really know how this post is going to work entirely, I'll simply go chronologically and probably give you a summary at the end.

Recently, I have been taking my tries at freestyling. So in order to make this post a little more interesting for you and me. The year in review today comes in rhyme form. Maybe the beat will help me jog my memory.

'08, I'm done with your shit.

This is the beat that made the rhyme, so give it time, and follow line by line.

Uhh. Yeah. Mmhmm.

Said, January not so merry
On my head to much to carry.
New Year's started this blog
In my head tried to clear the fog.
Slow start, no juice
Day by day, I started to loose-en.
Memories of the past, you know
Stick to me, they hold so fast, you know.
Haunting dreams, they hit down to the core.
Every night I asked for more and more.

February's just part 2
Listen here, I got more to do.
Mind still messin, from time before
Startin' to lessen, but I'm just not sure
What to expect to from the coming days-and I
Felt like I was in a haze.-But ya
Ya'll know me, same OG.
Rolling with the punches, 'til month number 3.

March, 3rd month of year
New number, same old fear.
Goodphil done come gone
If practiced more we could have won.
'member now, that month really sucked
Did my best but out I lucked.

4th month here gotta keep goin,
Hope these rhyme don't stop flowin.
Ha-Ha. Whoo-wee.
Ooh boy, it was clear to see.
That-my, theo-ry.
Was proven to me, from A to Z.
Straightened up, got out of the dirt
And continued my quest to find work.
But, to no avail,
Facepalm, boy did I fail.

End of the 'mester starts in May
Startin to 'member what I can say.
School was really kickin my ass
Strugglin', just trying to trying to pass.
From my phone, figured how to send pics,
To my blog, they're all up really quick.
Saw the last of old peeps graduate,
So happy, May '09 I can't wait.

But that wasn't coming soon,
So I had to say hello to June.
Summer started really slow,
ACC summer school sure blows.
PS3 keepin company,
Game came out called MSG.
Wait, no it was MGS-4.
I'd pop it in and I'd be less-bored.

July, owns my birthday
21, been coming long ways.
Day came, feelin little lonely,
Until I hooked up with my homies.
Tru-dy's, 6th-street
Drink specials you just couldn't beat.
Yo dog, I remember it all.
Any shots, I would call.
Official swerve, was finally here,
I think the first one was a beer.

August caused too much fuss.
Moved out was all of us.
I stayed with my friends,
Couldn't wait for it to end.
The fussin and fightin,
And cussin and cryin.
Living with these people I was dyin.
But it all ended pretty hip,
with Lifesize's internship.

Said, Do you remember
the 21st of September?
Ha. Ok, that's a song.
But how could I go wrong.
School was back in session,
And I have a confession.
When I first met her, she was off the chain,
Still can't get her out of my brain.

October, Halloween
Passed out at the worst scene.
Costume was a TV
Connected to a Ninty.
Don't believe? Just check Facebook,
There's a good one of me, you gotta look.
There's another of me passed out,
Worst timing made me wanna shout.

Almost done, I'm at Novemeber
Microsoft; could have been a contender.
Oh well, didn't go as planned
Maybe they were looking for a little less tanned.
My classes were hard to keep up
Coding everyday, I had enough.
Good grades, I had the key
'Til my prof kicked me down to a B.

December finally over
Some months and I still haven't told her.
The work was nice, it kept me ballin'
And wassup, my grades weren't fallin.

This whole thing was very Will Smith
Clean and simple, is easy to rhyme with.
I should end it with something deep,
But all that comes to mind is really cheap.
Year in review is what I came do,
Oh yeah, did I mention I chilled with So Real Cru?

Okay. Okay. Fuck that shit.
This is really gonna be it.
The flow is no mo' and before I go,
I wanna leave you on this note.
Accept the good, and roll with the bad.
Cause what you get or make is all you'll ever have.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week Links: To hold you over.

I really am planning a nice year in review blog post. In the meanwhile, my links buffer is ready to be dumped so here we go again!

This makes me wish I took a cooler English course than the one at Austin Community College. I stole that link from my former roommate's blog.

And I'm taking this next one from my friend in the Dallas area.

Just replace lawyer, with programmer.

Here are some old school Guess Who? hax. I used to love at damn game. Never gets old.

I recently bought Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix for PSN (Johnny1156, look me up), and my twitter led me to some phat SF2 beatz.

Did you know the Philippines has recently made their first fully digitally animated film. It's called Dayo. I need some fansubbers on this ASAP.

Lasty, I'll leave you with some XKCD.

Heh, all too real.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mobile: Closeout prices

Amazing deal at big lots!