Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week Links: Non-Valentine's Edition

It's that time of the week again.

These ones are coming at ya, and have nothing to do with love...I think.

First thing, eff planet earth.

If that was too many words for you, then this Wallace and Grommit clip has no really talking at all. In fact the sound effects have been" enhanced."

I bet you thought this was going to another all video Week Links. Well you're only 4/5s right.I like art and video games too. And hybrids of the two every time.

And for more video whoring. This music video is pretty awesome. The music all sorts of mellow.

Speaking of whoring. Ends up I was wrong, I do have one relationship video on here. It's from this website called that just has all these video guides on random stuff from cooking to kissing.

If you know me at all. I'm probably your "friend." Whether or not I meant to be, it's a blessing and a curse. Mainly curse, cause I'm not one to take advantage of people. Anyways, here is their tips on getting of what they call Frienditis.

I'll maybe post later again this week. This weekend, I actually had some a club. WHAT?!

More on that later, and you know it's gonna be in my cryptic speak so no one is really gonna understand anything of what's going on.

Look for it.

Exit faux euphoria. Enter Slap-In-The-Face cynicism.

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